Friday, November 11, 2005

Some incredibly insightful and important thoughts...

So, here's what I think about stuff:

a) Beforehand I loathed dirty backpackers. Fellow travellers know who I'm talking about. They're dirty, they're know-it-alls, they're too-cultured and overly culturally sensitive. I hate them.
And, I also hate that there are certain backpacker tendencies that I have taken on. I've always been somewhat of a know-it-all, so that doesn't count. But, in Montreal I showered multiple times a day, which was pretty much the same in Korea. Amidst all the traveling, however, showering doesn't always happen. I've worn dirty socks. I ran out of my "expensive" face wash, but I'm too cheap to replace it, so I just use water. Who is this person and where is clean, well-kempt mattmckenzie? The worst part is that there have been times that I have felt almost excited / proud of my dirtiness. Ick.

b) I'm a unicorn. There are no other gay backpackers in SE Asia, I swear to God. I assume thought A has something to do with that.

c) It has taken me basically until now to really enjoy traveling. There have been times that it has really stressed me out. More than anything, not working and having a full day to burn can be a seriously daunting task. There is only so much sightseeing one person can do before some sort of breakdown (I know, I almost threw a tantrum at Uncle Ho's mausaleum in Hanoi). To the point... it is with great sadness that today marks my only-one-month-left-of-traveling day. I have loved almost every minute of Laos and Vietnam and even the times that I didn't love, I loved it still because it was "experience".

And, now I am going to shut up because I sound like an annoying backpacker.


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